Outline Grades MAXIMIDⓇMolecular structure MAXMIDⓇ has an aromatic structure and is polymerized with metaxylenediamine and adipic acid. MAXIMIDⓇCharacteristics Excellent mechanical properties (especially in high flexural modulus) Excellent creep resistance Excellent molding surface High flow-ability Dimensional stability Product use Auto mobile IT Home Appliances Industrial materials This is a view to search properties of our products. Properties For searching data sheet, please click “Datasheet” after choosing the grade. Datasheets Comparison For comparison of data sheets, please click “Compare” after choosing maximum 4 grades. Compare Classification Processing Characteristics Grade Glass fiber reinforced General injection molding Glass fiber 50%-reinforcedHigh strength and modulusMetal alloy substitute(Al, Zn, Mg alloy)Excellent molding surface 7250GF 7550GF